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Eastern Lower Deschutes Strategic Implementation Area (SIA)

There is now funding available for restoration projects within the Eastern Lower Deschutes SIA area. Projects must demonstrate a clear watershed benefit to aquatic species, wildlife, or watershed health and be one of the eligible project types listed below.

Projects commonly used to restore or protect Agricultural Water Quality: 

· Manage Nutrient and Sediment Inputs through managed grazing (e.g., fencing and developing off-channel watering) and plantings. 

· Manage Vegetation: plant or seed native riparian species, propagate native riparian plants, or control weeds in conjunction with a restoration project.

· Manage Vegetation: control weeds (in conjunction with a restoration project), or plant native wetland species.

· Manage Erosion on Agricultural Lands: terrace land; employ laser leveling; create windbreaks; install water and sediment control basins (WASCBs); develop filter strips/grassed waterways; manage mud (e.g., gravel high-use areas, develop paddocks); seed bare areas, reduce tillage.

· Manage Nutrient and Sediment Inputs to Streams through the management of grazing, vegetation cover, animal waste, or irrigation runoff.

· Improve Surface Drainage: surface road drainage improvements, gravel surfacing, stream crossings.

· Manage Erosion: bioengineer stream banks, slope stream banks, or develop water gaps, streambank barbs.

· Implement Irrigation Practices.

· Decommission Roads.
Additional eligible project types:

· Improve Instream Habitat: place large wood, boulders, or salmon carcasses.

· Fish Passage: Remove Irrigation or Push-Up Dams, Remove and/or Replace Culverts, Remove or Replace Stream Crossings.

· Restore Wetlands: excavate or remove fill, or eliminate drainage structures.

· Install Stormwater Runoff Treatments.

· Create Off-Channel Flood Storage.

· Employ Integrated Pest Management.

· Eradicate or Control Exotic Aquatic Species.

· Manage Vegetation: prescribed burning, except when conducted as part of a commercial harvest; non-commercial thinning; control/remove juniper (except late-seral/old growth); plant or seed (native upland species or native beneficial mixes preferred); or control weeds (in conjunction with a restoration project). Projects for prescribed burning to reduce fuel loads require ODF technical review and approval, or tribal government review and approval for projects on Tribal Trust Lands, using a standard OWEB form.

· Manage Wildlife: install water guzzlers.

The application deadline is March 20, 2025. You may request up to $15,000. If you have a project that you think may fit this criteria, please contact Taylor at 541-565-3216 ext. 110 for more information.


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